Vineman: Plant-man seeks to deflower


This is something i was working on for a bit. My sexed up homage to creations like Man-Thing (M) and Swamp Thing (DC).

Sex Science Research Exsperiment gone wrong turns man into plant ****** hybrid with insatiable need to fuck & pollonate women.

The Vineman/ formerly Dr. Ted Durrock- A 7 ft' tall man-plant, with the ability to grow and retract plantlike vines from his body in a moments notice. Has instinctual insatable need to inseminate females with his liquid spore seeds, which have mind control properties. Has powers using phermones where he can seemingly shapeshift where he semingly is his human form, but he is just fooling their minds. Video cameras/ Heat Signitures betray his monsterous forever form. He is fearful of fire, but given his Transformation, can never truly die. His mind is now dominated of forming a harum of brides to send his seeds to all over the world. His limbs can transform from humanoid fingers to enrapturing vines, and his midsection is where is mating Stamen tenticles are. They produce a material incredibly arousing for human females. Both a lubricant and ejaculate.

Dr. Ted Durrock was a scientist working on male enhancement/ male infertility experiments in his remote lab in upstate NY. He was looking to bond ****** & plant DNA to make a sex performance **** attract the opposite sex by using pheromones supercharged by plant cells. And something else to actually stimulate the subject to maintain arousal.

One night, shortly after his assistant left for the night (That he was barely contain he was lusting after for months), his experiments on lab rats brought a breakthrough. But his excitement turned to horror when it looked like one rat killed and devoured the rest, and for some paniced reason he took the results with him and left his lab quickly.

Ted was driving home that night in a bad storm, when his car apparently crashed. The wreck found it was thought he died, leaving his work undone.

Turns out, the rat he used to test the solution on horribly mutated, and began attacking the other test rats with viney tentacles. When he tried to intevene, it attacked him, and he had to kill it. He paniced, and took the dead rat and the solution and fled home. On the way home, he found the dead rat wasn't quite dead, and attacked him, making his car go over a cliff and spilling his solution all over himself. He screams, and soon his car explodes.

His lab assistant Stacy reports him missing to the authorities, and they find Dr. Durrocks wrecked car at the bottom of a revine and corporate comes in and asks Stacy if she is willing to continue the research and reproduce a sample, but Dr. Durrock took the only physical sample of the test when he dissapeared.
She tried to replicate it, and even brought in someone to help, a technician from the college named Heather. Heather points out that it looks like the Dr. paniced about how the result came out. And when they run their test on a viable solution, the subject dies when it seemingly turns into a plant hybrid and dries itself out and dies.

Outside the lab, something approaches through the woods. It peers through a 2nd story window at the two women. It then slinks to the front door. The buzzer gets the womens attention. Heather notes the door opened with Dr. Durrocks private security code. The labs light flicker as the wind kicks around outside.

The women are shocked to see the Dr appear in the doorway, asking what they are doing. They point out corporate directed them to continue the exsperiments. Heather notices the doctor seems acting strange, but her tone in temproment suddenly change as she looks turned on/ stimulated. Then she seemingly passes out. Stacy is also woozy, but finds herself supported when she passes out.

The girls awaken supended by tentacle like vines, coming from the doctor. Stacy pleads with him, then she realized he was already in her. Heather mentions a fiancee till she is orally pacified. The more Stacy is turned on, the less human the Doctor looks. As they fuck, the lab is destroyed.

The next morning, the girls are awoken by armed security, checking the place out. Several high level corporate people are also there, and medical takes them away in the same ambulance, but with the corporate logo.

An important looking man reviews and downloads the flickering footage to see the monster just come in to attack the girls. Sees the Vineman just walk out into the sun and vanish.

'Sir, Police and firemen are on their way. What do we say?”

Set Charges, tell them a gas leak happened. Take those women to the office and debrief and bribe them. Let's clear the area before they get here.”

I hope this problem doesn't grow into something worse.
