Haunted house


New member
Two girls walk around an amusement park. Cotton candy, laughing and enjoying themselves.
They come upon a haunted house. The barker gives them two tickets as they walk in.
The first section is the mirror room where one of them notices that the mirror momentarily shows both of them smiling and naked. She shakes her head and it is back to just her.
The other motions her to come on as they walk-in a hall. The hall has latex walls. They walk through it noticing the halls seem to have faces and fingers.
They both comment how scary it is.
As they walk further a flashing light blinds them. They can't see anything putting their hands up over their eyes. Their is two female figures in the distance.
The room goes black.
Our girls discover they are in a different room. There seems to be a liquid almost bubbling around them. Do they touch the liquid?
One of them reaches out to to touch it as the other is scared to. She touches it as a face hugger grabs her and tenacles grab her face and ankles. The other is paralyzed with fear. The one screaming notices that the black liquid is rising with tenacles and binding her. Clothes begin to come off. Thus the scene begins.
From the shadows, the clones emerge. These clones take their clothes, get dressed and walk out. (We never see their faces, just their hands dressing in clothes)


New member
I would end it with the same girl still staring at the mirror and her friend calling her and leaving while the reflection stays and smiles devilishly.


New member
Nice idea, I had a similar thought after reading into the hand scene in the 80s film 'Labyrinth'. It was to get around the idea of something unseen undressing the characters. Also raised a post you might enjoy when I first joined the forum.