
New member

Love the websites and the ideas behind them. Right now I'm on Parasited with high potential to go to your sister sites that are also refreshing spins on porn. My general thoughts on Parasited are to change the timing of the sequence formula. So, I've noticed on Parasited that the intro comes, the parasite, transformation, then the spread of the parasite to the second or third girl, or guy, and they have frenzied sex.

My personal feelings are that the transformation is the sexiest part of Parasited. I love to see the parasite taking over the woman's body. I love to see a sweet girl turning into a sex maniac.

I think the videos would benefit if the transformation was stretched out longer. Perhaps you can play with the formula so it looks like this:

Intro: 1-2 mins (Establish characters, their relationship dynamics) Personally I feel the characters should mostly be sweet and normal so the transition is sharply different.

First girl's transformation: 2-3 mins (The transformation should be like a possession of lust. Over this scene, character slowly becomes sex crazed: runs hands over body, through hair, then down pants/shorts/skirt, humps the air. The parasite should slowly take over the girl's body because she's fighting it, but losing.)

First girl infects second girl: 2-3 mins (First girl should first get handsy, get rejected by second girl, then first girl uses the slime to help get second girl in the mood to eventually take the parasite which then turns into the MANIAC phase of sex where both girls are going crazy on each other.)

Maniac sex: 5-10 mins (This phase of the scene you already do perfectly fine, so just continue what you're doing here.)

End: overall, the movie you make can be as short as you want. I think I saw a movie that was 8-minues, so the formula can be in percentage of minutes:

Intro: 10%,
First transformation: 30%
Second transformation: 30%
Maniac sex scene: 30%

For an 8-minute movie that's:

Intro: 48-seconds
First transformation: 2mins 24 seconds
Second Transformation: 2 mins 24 seconds
Maniac Sex Scene: 2 mins 24 seconds


Active member
Completely agree in that the transformation aspect is the best part of Parasited. I would love to see the formula you proposed used in future content.


New member
I completely agree with the original poster. The transformation is definitely the most arousing part for me so would love to see more emphasis on this.

Also strongly agree that the sweeter the girls are originally, the more arousing it is because the transformation into sex crazed lunatic is more pronounced.

It's also really nice to see the girls really happy and enjoying themselves after the transformation too.

Really like your videos though. Excellent start. Well done and thank you.